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First Landing and the Storm

Writer's picture: Alison ShepardAlison Shepard


In 1607, before the Mayflower, there was a group of English men who came over to our country. They called themselves the Virginia Company. Among them was a chaplain named Robert Hunt. They landed on the shores of Virginia at a spot that is now known as Cape Henry in First Landing State Park. After praying and fasting, Reverend Hunt carried a large wooden cross to the shore of America and made a dedication to God that the gospel would not only be preached in this new land but would also go out from those shores to all of the nations of the world.

In the summer 2019, God gave me a dream where I traveled with my husband, Evan, to the place where Robert Hunt placed the cross. I walked to the shores of the Atlantic and I saw a huge storm that was headed for America. I knew this was a prophetic dream from the Lord, and as the weeks unfolded, through many other signs and revelations, I knew that God was leading me to pray at that very place where Robert Hunt and the Virginia Company first landed at Cape Henry in First Landing State Park, Virginia.

The dream was so intense, that before I went, I felt compelled to make a painting as a prayer for the passing of the storm. It felt to me that the storm was inevitable, but I could at least pray for the effects of it to not be as severe as it could be. It is a painting of Jesus peacefully sleeping during a storm, and the storm clearing and a double rainbow emerging.

One of the things that the Lord told me to go and do was to set up a spiritual galeed of prayer. A galeed is where the name Gilead comes from, and it is a witness heap of stones that represented covenant to the Israelites. God was telling me to go to Cape Henry and set up a galeed as an alter of prayer, a kind of portal where angels could ascend and descend and cover our nation from demonic and foreign attack. I had never been to Cape Henry, and so I had no idea that it was actually a military base where drills are done by all branches of the military. Because security was strict for visitors, I was limited as to what I could bring with me to this site, and I had no idea where I was going to find stones to make a galeed. But when I got there, and climbed the stairs to the lighthouse, I was just absolutely stunned! I could see that on the beach, there were dozens of large stones already heaped up!!! I was so in awe of the Lord. The stones for the galeed were already in place!

(here I am with my husband, Evan, at the top of the lighthouse) After we came down from the lighthouse, I went down to the beach, and went to that place where Robert Hunt placed a large wooden cross in the sand. I took communion there and poured out anointing oil over the site and prayed Robert Hunt's decree over America that the gospel would spread across the land and go forth to all the nations. Then I went over to the large heap of stones that were near the cross and I poured anointing oil over them. I prayed for God to open up a portal where angels could go back and forth and carry out His will. I prayed for God to give all our branches of the military wisdom as they met at this place to do drills and to train.

(The heaps of stones and the cross commemorating Robert Hunt)

Here is the other thing that I know I must share as an encouragement. God told me to go to First Landing, Virginia on October 5th to pray. I had no idea why this date was significant, but I knew without a doubt, that God was saying I must pray on this date. God was telling me to pray on October 5th against a curse that was put upon American presidents who are elected in years divisible by 20. It was a curse put upon our nation by the brother of the mighty Shawnee warrior, Tecumseh. This brother of Tecumseh was named Tenskwatwa, and he placed this curse upon the nation at the Battle of Tippecanoe. Some refer to the curse as the curse of Tippecanoe or the curse of Tecumseh, even though the curse actually came from Tenskwatwa. This curse has actually affected almost every president elected in years divisible by 20. They have either been assassinated, had a health issue while in office, or there was an attempt to assassinate them. Kennedy was one of them.

I have ancestors who served in the early forms of government in Virginia. That day I repented on behalf of my ancestors, as well as many other government officials who broke treaties with First Nations peoples and treated them poorly. I took communion and poured out the elements onto the ground, and I pleaded the blood of Jesus over the unrighteous land transactions that happened between the European Americans and the Native Americans. God gave me Psalm 20 to pray as the sword of the Spirit, the Word of blessing that would cut the curse of Tenskwatawa, so that no harm would befall President Trump in the 2020 election. Well, I was absolutely in awe of God when a friend of mine told me that God was sending me to First Landing to pray on October 5th because it was the day that Tecumseh died!!! I couldn't make this up if I tried. God cares about anniversaries, and I believe that day that something was released in the spirit realm to break off the effects of the curse that Tecumseh's brother made over our nation.

And here is the other miracle that is a sign from the Lord that He will answer our prayers for this election and for America: I did not want to go on this trip to Virginia because my father was dying. He had been battling kidney cancer, and he was getting ready to quit dialysis. Most people die within days or at the most, a couple weeks when they quit dialysis. So in taking this trip, I was sacrificing time with my dad, but I knew that I had to obey the Lord. As I prayed that day on the beach, I told God "I've been obedient and faithful to you. Will You please give me more time with my dad?" God totally answered that prayer. My dad lasted much longer than any of his hospice nurses had ever seen. He lived for several weeks and didn't pass away until December 3rd. So I know that our God who is faithful to answer my prayers for more time with my dad, will also answer my prayers and your prayers for America. He is good and as we stand in faith for Him to move mountains, He will do it.

That morning when I prayed for the curse of Tenskwatawa to be broken, there was a glorious sunrise. It felt like a sign of hope that the storm headed for America will break, and that light will triumph over darkness. The storm from my dream last year is upon us. It is big. But in my dream as I watched the storm coming for our shores, I wasn't afraid. And I believe this is significant because God isn't finished yet with America. He still has plans for the gospel to go forth. And I believe that we are going to see a revival like never before happen in our nation and spread throughout the world. Do not give up! Although we may be tired and wounded, we must persevere in prayer. Our prayers and our decrees shift things. We must keep praying that the wicked are exposed and that the patriots like our president, who are on the front lines, have wisdom, courage, and endurance to finish this race.

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