After midnight on October 19th, I had a strange dream that I was part of a group of people reenacting the famous painting by Emanuel Leutze of George Washington crossing the Delaware. The person playing the role of Washington was wearing a corona mask. We were in an old neighborhood, but sort of an urban village type setting. There seemed to be chaos in the streets. Two of the people who were part of reenacting the painting were young Christians and they got wounded. But they were still able to participate in reenacting the painting. I believe that I was playing the role of one of the people near Washington who was rowing the boat. I remember being right in front of him and I believe I had a paddle.

The dream struck me as very symbolic, and it felt like a God dream that I needed to dig into and pray about and research. After reading a few articles about the painting, I found out that it had been defaced in 2002 by a museum guard who glued a picture of the 9/11 attacks onto it! This really struck me because I had been seeing the numbers 911 for days and I wondered what the Lord might be saying. I found out from another prophetic intercessor that many in the Body of Christ are praying against a 911 type attack in the days after the election. The news has been reporting that large cities are gearing up for possible chaos. Precautions such as boarding up businesses to protect against riots and looting, and making sure there are plenty of law enforcement officers available, are already being taken in major cities.
The original painting of Washington Crossing the Delaware was part of the Kunsthalle collection in Bremen, Germany. It was destroyed in a bombing raid on September 5th, 1942 during WWII. (Thankfully, Emanuel Leutze had painted other versions of this amazing image of Washington Crossing the Delaware and these paintings have survived. One of them used to hang in the West Wing of the White House, and the other is at the MET in NYC. ) The bombing raid also grabbed my attention because of the date September 5th. Just a few hours before my dream, I had a client over to my house for dinner, who had just been married on September 5th. The chances of this being a coincidence seem very slim to me. Over the summer, I had done a painting of my client for her fiancée. Even though this was a commission that was very personal between my client and her spouse-to- be, there seemed to be a kind of prophetic symbolism also happening in the painting. I started seeing the bride in my painting as a symbol for the Bride of Christ in the Bridal chamber attended by the Holy Spirit and waiting for the Bridegroom.

It made me think of the church not being able to meet in a building for a large part of this year because of the pandemic; but God has been calling each Christian to worship Him outside of the church building in the intimacy of our own homes. Like the bride who is nude, we are each exposed before the Lord Who sees and knows everything about us. We are each called to prepare ourselves to be ready to enter into the intimacy of the Bridal chamber to be with the Bridegroom.
Jesus spoke of the necessity of this call to intimacy with God when He was teaching the disciples about prayer: “when you pray, go into your most private room, and, closing the door, pray to your Father, Who is in secret; and your Father, Who sees in secret, will reward you in the open.” (Matthew 6:6 AMPC)
In my dream of reenacting Washington Crossing the Delaware, there were 2 Christians who were shot at and wounded but survived, and they still bravely committed to being a part of reenacting this painting. I remember marveling at their strength and tenacity even though they were wounded. I believe this is symbolic of the praying remnant who love the Lord passionately and will not give up fighting for our country in their prayers, even though they have suffered wounding from both the world and the enemy. This is part of the preparation of the Bride.
On October 26th, a week after the dream, I realized why God was talking about Delaware. (I am often late to the party when it comes to understanding some of the macro prophetic stuff, and I joke around that the angels in heaven must be having a good laugh at me or scratching their heads as to why God would share stuff like this with me!) On October 26th, Joe Biden made a surprise campaign rally visit to Delaware County, Pennsylvania. This of course got my attention, because of the name Delaware (I had never heard of Delaware County, PA). So I started googling “Joe Biden Delaware”, and I am embarrassed to admit, I just found out that day that Joe Biden was the senator of Delaware for 36 years! But here’s the other weird connection: October 26th was Hillary Clinton’s 73rd birthday! With God, there are no coincidences.
When I discovered all this, I was a little bit freaked out at first. I was wondering if all these connections were pointing to Biden winning. I am pro-life, and I was so grateful to see Trump nominate Amy Coney Barrett as Supreme Court Justice, and I do not want to see Biden become president and try to “pack the courts”. And as an important side note, I believe it’s worth stating that in the United States, black children are aborted at more than three times the rate of white children. These unborn black lives did not matter enough to be born. Religious issues of faith aside, these are black babies whose lives did not matter enough to even be given a chance at the constitutional right of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. Abortion is systematically reducing the black population and is a form of eugenics. The CDC reports that the 2014 abortion ratio for non-Hispanic black women is 401. That’s the number of abortions per 1,000 live births. The abortion ratio for non-Hispanic white women is 109. For more info on these statistics, click here. This site is called Abort 73, the name coming from Roe V. Wade which was established in 1973. And Hillary just turned 73. I am believing that this is also NOT a coincidence, and that the Lord is pointing toward Roe V. Wade's eventual overturning.
But just to be totally transparent, with all this Delaware and Biden and Hilary stuff on October 26th, part of me honestly wondered if it was possible that God was warning me that Trump would lose. No one really knows for certain what is going to happen on November 3rd. The person in role of Washington had a corona mask on, and I couldn't really see their face. So I was uncertain. But my husband and some other wise prophetic Christians pointed out to me an interesting take on the symbolism of crossing the Delaware. Crossing the Delaware implies a passing over, and conquering of the Delaware. This seems to point to Trump conquering the former senator of Delaware. So I am encouraged by this, and I do have faith that Trump will win this race. But our prayers for a fair election, and no voter fraud are so important! We must not underestimate this.
In my dream, it's also worth noting that we could not complete the reenactment of the painting unless we had all the crucial characters in place. We had to wait on the wounded Christians to get back into the boat before we could complete the reenactment. But we did complete it. We must overcome our wounds and persevere in prayer.
I also found out from a friend last week, that an artist I had never heard of, Jon Mc Naughton, created a painting that is an homage to Leutze’s Washington Crossing the Delaware! It’s called Crossing the Swamp, and features Trump in the position of Washington and he’s surrounded by his administration on a mission to drain the swamp and expose governmental corruption. When I saw this painting, I was so encouraged to know that God had given this vision to another artist!

And here is yet another encouragement. Almost 2 weeks had passed when I finally realized the prophetic significance of why God gave me this dream on October 19th. I had no idea of the significance of this date! And when I found out what happened on that date in 1781, I was absolutely blow away! I am not a natural history buff, but the Lord knows the beginning from the end, and nothing slips His memory, and because He is all-powerful, it is easy for Him to give me a dream on an important anniversary, even though I was a lousy history student in college! (I’m grateful for websites like onthisday, because it helps me understand what God is saying.) October 19th, 1781 is the day that Cornwallis surrendered to Washington in Yorktown. It is the day that the Revolutionary War was won!!!
And if that’s not enough encouragement, here’s some more: On October 31st, 2020, my husband found a very interesting post on Twitter: Q Anon made a post with Leutze’s painting of Washington crossing the Delaware!!! And on October 31st, Trump gave a speech at this very spot, the Keith House where Washington launched the crossing of the Delaware and won the Battle of Trenton! So I believe that all these signs point to Trump’s victory.

Yet we must remember that after this turning point of the Revolutionary War, there were many more battles that the Continental Army had to fight, and they also faced the difficult winter the following year at Valley Forge. Thousands died of malnutrition and disease. On the day that I shared my dream with three other Christians who are older and wiser than me, I left our meeting in search of a gas station. I was on a side of town that is unfamiliar to me, so I had to use my GPS. Well, the GPS took me past a street called Valley Forge! In all my life, I have never seen a street called Valley Forge. What are the chances of this? I was so stunned that I had to pull over and take a picture of it.

I believe this is a call to pray for the days ahead. The Revolutionary war was 8 years. We are in a Revolution right now. There are things happening in the world right now with the global financial system, the IMF, and the central banks that people would like to turn a blind eye towards. (If you are already red-pilled and want to know more, check out the YouTube channel of Darren Moore, Jr. Or read the open letter to the president written by Archbishop Carlo Maria Vigano.) We cannot bury our heads in the sand. We must take our places in prayer with the Lord to stand in the battles ahead.
The Armor of God Ephesians 6:10-18
10 Finally, be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. 11 Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes. 12 For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 13 Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand. 14 Stand firm then, with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, 15 and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. 16 In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. 17 Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
18 And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.