"You can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming." --Pablo Neruda
This has been an unprecedented time in history. We have never experienced anything like this before where a declared global pandemic has caused a global shutdown. It has been quite an adjustment to say the least. There have been good things about it--it has given many a time to slow down, to reflect, to rediscover life's true priorities. Yet also for many, it has been a time of severe difficulty, a season of true hardship, grief, and strain. For me personally, I am still in the throes of grieving the loss of my father. My life has been in the valley of the shadow of death.
In the midst of facing some these challenges, it is good to stop and reflect on the words in the quote above, "you can cut all the flowers but you cannot keep spring from coming."
In other words, you can kill the flowers, but spring will still come. Spring is the time of nature's resurrection from what seemed lifeless and dead in winter.
It is amazing to me that Jesus was crucified and rose again at Passover, in the spring. It is a powerful reminder of the many ways He continually makes all things new. (Revelation 21:5)
There have been many things taken from us in the last several weeks, but even these losses cannot stop us from the hope that is embodied in spring, and the fact that life finds a way. And in Jesus, there is a way, even beyond the grave.
Today, across many states in America, we are experiencing unseasonably cold weather for May. It almost seems like winter is trying to hang on. And while it's true it may be cold outside, be of good cheer, because despite the weather, spring is officially here!

As we prepare for a frost, here are a few of the pretty little white flowers blooming now in my gardens, as well as a painting I did of the white irises in the park by my house. They are powerful little reminders that spring and new hope are here!
